

【Disney & Pixar 動畫大師們的訪談 Animator CTNX】【J⁺】

A) 動畫分工法:
  1. Disney 動畫 (animation) 的製作上是用 [角色分]
  2. Pixar 動畫 (animation) 的製作上是用 [卡分]
  1. Disney: ㄧ個角色, 有ㄧ個 character lead (該角色的負責人) 去帶團隊
  2. pixar: 不照角色分, 照卡分, 但誰把哪ㄧ個角色做的好, 自然會被導演指派那個角色
  1. 製作上用卡分的好處 - 動畫師有廣範(各種可能的接觸) , 動畫師可探索(找到)自己適合/喜歡的角色
  2. 製作上用角色分的好處 - 動畫師會慢慢了解角色, 對角色的個性有很好的掌握, 如果用卡分, 當熟悉角色時, 往往已經沒有卡可以做了
  • 不同動畫師有自己擅長的表演, 有人適合 broad, 有人適合 subtle. 主管分卡時可做調整, 或了解自己的動畫師也可自己爭取偏 broad 或 subtle 的表演
  1. broad - 很誇張的喜劇式表演
  2. subtle - 小細節的表演, 內斂的內心戲表演

B) model problem (角色的 - 外形/個性 ㄧ至性問題):
  1. 2D 的 Disney - model problem 動畫師自己修改, 由了解角色的人或導演給意見
  2. 3D 的 Pixar - model problem 非動畫師自己修改, 會有ㄧ位 fixer 的角色, 下去統ㄧ大家的 key
  • pixar 說:動畫師會對卡產生感情, 如果修不出角色的味道, 不如做對公司有生產力的事 - 不要執著 [舊] 的卡, 做 [新] 的卡 (實際上很難...哈哈)
  • pixar 說:為了預防 model problem 會有 model sheet - 角色設定集 - 除了角色外型的設定, 也包涵角色個性 - 該有的表情 - 每個角色都自己獨特的表情

C) Check 的機制:
  1. Disney 有 sweatbox / Pixar 有 dailies - 就是一個平台 - 大家一起看每個人在做的東西, 並給意見的平台
  2. 碰到修改問題 - supervising animator (動畫總監) 是在做關心, 溝通協調, 確定透明化的角色, 少管事, 而是管人, 帶心
  3. 就算時間緊迫, 在做之前, 還是要先想ㄧ想 (找參考, 自己表演, 思考, 畫畫圖) 在下去做 , 會節省很多時間, 直接下去, 只會碰到不停修改, 重做的問題

D) 真人參考
  • Disney 問:是否有真人(專人)到現場表演, 跳舞...etc (做reference)
  • Pixar 說:有, 但不能直接抄表演, 不然會像 rotoscope (真人表演描邊的動畫模式), animator 可以當參考, 必需加ㄧ些自己的味道
  • Disney 說:但專業表演者(舞者...等), 每ㄧ個動作的順序都有自己的意思 (專業考量), 也不要忽略

E) 新方向
  • Disney 問: 是否有沒做過的故事或概念是想試試看的
  • Pixar 說 : 希望可以畫更 - 黑暗, 限制級, 嚴肅的題材 - 動畫的可能性還很多, 目前仍突破不了 - 動畫是給兒童看的問題



【Alex Roman - The Third & The Seventh】【W⁺】

全片都是 CG 電腦繪製!

A FULL-CG animated piece that tries to illustrate architecture art across a photographic point of view where main subjects are already-built spaces. Sometimes in an abstract way. Sometimes surreal.

Motionographer專文:Alex Roman - TheThird&TheSeventh



合成分解 Compositing Breakdown (T&S)

其他作品 Other Works

【非比尋常的3D建築預視動畫 - WakYak】【W⁺】

合成:Adobe After Effects

相關文章:【Alex Roman - TheThird&TheSeventh】

hmmm....講到Architectural Visualization 就一定要提一下Alex Roman 的Third and Seventh,整個畫面非常的漂亮真精細,更不用提到他那運鏡的表現~

很早以前也有在FB分享過Alex Roman的作品,可以留存不了,藉此機會整理起來!



【Defective Detective - Ringling學生精彩的偵探短片 !】【W⁺】

「此片獲得學生奧斯卡亞軍!創作者AVNER GELLER進了Pixar當實習動畫師,而Stevie Ray則進Dreamworks做視覺設計師!」~感謝 myer3d 的分享!
Cartoon Brew的詳細報導:
Stevie Ray的

▼ 學生奧斯卡典禮領獎感言(摘自Cartoon Brew


Here is a video from a few weeks ago of the duo accepting a Student Academy Award, and below, dressed up as their characters from the film:


It took about a year to complete the film from the story development until it was rendered and done. The film is mostly done in 3D. The program at Ringling focuses on 3D computer animation, and the course of study take you through all the stages of production, from the story and design stages, through Modeling, Animation and Lighting. In the first two years we take course in traditional hand drawn animation, and when we got to work on our film, we knew we wanted to incorporate that in some sort of way. The Detective’s dream sequences were a perfect opportunity to use a different technique that will take the viewers through a unique experience.


We weren’t very familiar with this style of storytelling and cinema, and had to do a lot of research. Learning more about the world in which the film takes place was one of the most fun stages of production. We collected a lot of picture reference of old apartments in France and studied different kinds of furniture and appliances that were used during that time. We watched a lot of film noir movies and were inspired by the tone and style of detective films. Once you immerse yourself in a certain world you start recognizing new references that relate to it everywhere. For instance we started to see detective images and caricatures everywhere even when we weren’t looking.

▼作品的音樂是由Raphael Beau所製作,他做過電影異想奇謀配樂(此片導演就是《艾蜜莉的異想世界》的尚皮耶居內),我們非常喜歡他的作品,並且寄給他一份作品的初期版本,很幸運地,他覺得這作品很有潛力,並同意幫我們譜曲。超爽的啦!最後的成品也真的很屌!從他寄給我們的第一個版本裡聽得出來,我們擁有相同頻率,也感受得到這對他來說是份愉快的工作。音效部分是由Clement Maleo製作(在法國動畫學校Gobelins裡工作,Burning Safari)。最終成品非常棒,他很講究細節,也確實帶給觀眾身歷其境的感覺。

The Music for the film was composed by Raphael Beau, who wrote the music for Micmacs (directed by Jean-Pierre Jeunet, who also directed Amelie). We really loved his work and sent him a version of our film in very early stage. Luckily he saw the potential in it and agreed to write music for us. We were extremely happy and he did such a fantastic job. From the very first draft he sent us it was clear that we are on the same wavelength, and it was pleasure working with him. The sound design was done by Clement Maleo (who worked on Gobelins, l’école de l’image film, Burning Safari) and he was also great to work with. He was very particular about every little nuance in the film and really brought it to life through sound.


It was a fantastic experience to work on this film. Animation is such a long and tedious process sometimes and it’s a really unique feeling to see how it all came together at the end. Even though it was hard to see the film through fresh eyes because we watched it so many times, we still loved watching and working on the film even until the very end. We really enjoyed working together and we hope to collaborate on more projects in the future.


*同樣也是來自Ringling學校的作品:【The Monk and The Monkey - 幕後製作】

【Brave Trailer by Pixar - 皮克斯新作 Brave 預告片】【W⁺】

2011-11-17 更新!

【皮克斯 - Brave - 新預告】【J⁺】
新預告中介紹了 - 更多世界觀 / 誇張的角色(和他們有個性的頭髮) / 非常棒的Animation, 0:45 女主角臉上的表情很可愛 / 有一點可惜是預告感覺有點零散,並不清楚,主要想表現的什麼,但還是很興奮,很期待~

四月的時候,巴哈姆特有則新聞說道明年2012皮克斯將有兩部電影要上映,除了大家引頸期盼的怪獸電力公司2之外( 11 月),另外就是這部在蘇格蘭高地發生的故事,「 Brave 」(勇敢、勇氣)

以下,便是期待已久的預告片 | Brave Trailer


同日更新(感謝 myer3d 在 Plurk 的分享)(原文

「導演Mark Andrews:「這部跟以往Pixar的會有點不同, 帶點黑暗的元素, 但仍然會保留Pixar一貫的喜劇元素與讓人深刻的角色, 只是比較濃縮而已」 Brave預計將會於2012 2月上映」

「繼Kung Fu Panda起用韓裔女導演, Pixar這次也起用美國女導演Brenda Chapman和Mark Andrews;Brenda亦是第一位美國動畫的女導演The Prince of Egypt和Lion King 的story supervisor,望能擦出新火花」

【皮克斯新作 - Brave - 海報 / 角色 / 劇照】



【The Archiver 以及 Artfx 其他作品與幕後製作 】【W⁺】

A pilot, travelling through space, returns from a mission... An animated short movie by Thomas Obrecht, Guillaume Berthoumieu and Marc Menneglier from ArtFX ( info & pictures from Here. )
(提醒:官網 ArtFX 要用 Firefox 開)

一個飛行員,穿越太空回報任務結果 ... 短片由 Thomas Obrecht, Guillaume Berthoumieu and Marc Menneglier 所製作。

幕後製作 The Archiver MAKING-OF

Artfx school is a higher education provider and training center for 3D computer graphics, 3D animation and digital special effects. Located in Montpellier (south of France) the school was created by professionals from the film, animation, video games and visual effects industries.

ArtFX 是法國一間電腦動畫與視覺特效的高階訓練學校。
而 Artfx 的 Vimeo 最近才剛剛放上許多影片與幕後製作,整理放置如下:
